Today I received this ad-pamphlet regarding pest-control along with my daily newspaper. Found its advertisement style rather amusing. I especially liked the disclaimer under the 3rd bullet :-D. And then people complain that the devil is in the fine-print! ;-)
I gotta be me
6 years ago
So in case of a “buggy” situation, how can you tell if it is an “inside” bug or one you especially “brought from outside” ;) And what is this “ROCK TREATMENT”… I hope they don’t plan on stoning the bugs to death … or maybe thats what they mean by 100 % DEATH!
Since 100% death is guaranteed, any bug discovered post "Rock-treatment" session is guaranteed to be from outside ;-).
"Rock treatment" surely points to the honor-killing of the bugs by means of stone-pelting!
I think they stole this disclaimer from Microsoft ;-)
Nah, nah... MS disowns internal bugs too... They call them "non-state actors" ;-)
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